List of products by license Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball is a manga series created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. Its universe tells the story of Son Goku, hero of the Saiyan race, from childhood to adulthood. Living on Earth, he maintains order there thanks to his constantly improving combat skills. Accompanied by his friends, he protects the universe from various threats while searching for the 7 magical crystal balls called Dragon Balls.

100pcs Stickers Dragon Ball Z
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Decorate your notebooks, your refrigerator or whatever comes to mind with this set of 100 stickers of your favorite characters from the universe of Dragon Ball Z. Ideal for fans of scrapbooking.
Frieza Second Form Action Figure Dragon Ball Z S.H. Figuarts - 19cm
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Frieza Second Form, from "Dragon Ball Z," joins S.H.Figuarts! Manufactured by Tamashii Nations, it ncludes three faces for re-creating dramatic scenes, including a smile plus grimacing and sneering options with special eyes. Optional hands let you re-create the climactic scene where Frieza lays Vegeta and friends low. Also includes a glowing Namekian Dragon Ball (four-star version), which you can add to the ones included with with S.H.Figuarts Dragon Ball Z figures (sold separately.)
Set Contents: Main Body, Three optional expression parts, Two left and three right optional hands, Optional head part, One pair of optional legs, Optional tail, Namekian Dragon Ball (four-star version)
Special pre-order price - release scheduled for May 2023
Advent Calendar Funko POP! Dragon Ball Z Holiday
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Bring Funko and joy to your Christamas holidays with your favourite license characters. This 24-piece Pocket Pop. Dragon Ball Z-themed advent calendar brings cheer and surprises every day of December with a different panel to open revealing a different Pocket Pop. Whether you take your new Funko pocket POP. buddies caroling or sledding is entirely up to you.